welcome, trailblazer. the feeble hands of the complacent cannot reach us here.

i am agentwest, colloquially known as west. i enjoy breaking down and questioning what most accept without thought, for blind obedience is detrimental to the mind. the mind is what curates sentience—what is a man, if not his mind? i spend my time drawing, coding, or pondering concepts that terrify those who fear answers they yearn to recieve. as you might've assumed from what i've said earlier, i'm a very confrontational person when it comes to things i don't understand. i have an innate drive to fully understand things, and when a logical and unbiased answer cannot be provided, i often wonder why that is. why is it that people don't question what seems to be established? is it fear of being silenced, or fear of being ostracized? regardless, this website isn't about my daily existential crisis. having said that, allow me to activate my actual personality.